
As a recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), I am eager to leverage my skills and experience to make an impact in the technology industry. I am particularly interested in backend development and embedded systems positions. My internship experience as a software developer intern at Pi-Lit gave me hands-on experience in the research and development of a decimeter-level accurate GPS receiver, writing custom drivers, and improving internal tools.I am eager to join an organization that would help me grow and develop my skills further while making meaningful contributions.

  • Java
  • Python
  • TypeScript
  • Go
  • C
  • C++
  • SQL
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Spring Boot
  • Django
  • React Native
  • Playwright
  • PyTorch
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Git
  • AWS DynamoDB
  • AWS S3
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL

University of California, Berkeley

2020 - 2022

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • GPA: 3.54
  • coursework:
    • CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
    • CS 61B: Data Structures
    • CS 61C: Machine Structures
    • CS 70: Discrete Maths and Probability
    • EECS 149: Embedded Systems
    • CS 161: Computer Security
    • CS 162: Operating Systems
    • CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
    • CS 186: Databases
    • CS 188: Intro to AI
    • CS 194-26: Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography
Irvine Valley College
2018 - 2020
  • GPA: 4.00
  • coursework:
    • C programming
    • C++ Object Oriented Programming
    • x86 assembly
    • circuit analysis
Software Developer Intern
May - Aug 2022
Pi-Lit (startup)
Tustin, CA, USA
  • Contributed to the research and development of a decimeter-level accurate GPS receiver.
  • Wrote a custom driver for a GNSS module.
  • Helped testing and debugging an IoT impact detection system.
  • Improved an internal logging tool’s efficiency by 60% as measured by CPU utilization
Jun. 2023 - Jun. 2023
Go, Gin, PostgreSQL, Websockets, React, TS, Tailwindcss, Docker
  • Created a full-stack chatroom app with a new message broadcasting using WebSockets.
  • Implemented a scalable backend system with secure user authentication (JWT tokens) and efficient message storage and retrieval through a REST API.
  • Developed a message upvote and downvote feature that can be safely scalled horizontally.
Real-Time Video Streaming Server
Jun. 2023 - Jun. 2023
Python, WebRTC (aioRTC), openCV, numpy, Docker
bouncing ball video
  • Developed a web server to generate a dynamic video stream showcasing a bouncing ball animation.
  • Established a secure WebRTC video stream to clients, utilizing TCP socket signaling.
  • Used openCV to estimate the ball’s position and transmit the estimates back to server through a data channel.
Mar. 2023 - present
Java, Spring Boot, TS, React Native, Playwright, AWS DynamoDB, AWS S3, Docker
Responsive image
  • Developed a full-stack cycling workout app providing users with detailed workout information, including route, weather, distance, speed etc.
  • Utilized AWS DynamoDB to store workout details and S3 to store the generated workout static map.
  • Integrated Mapbox Maps API and a weather API for dynamic route visualization and workout insights.
To-Do List
Mar. 2023 - Mar. 2023
Python, Django, PostgreSQL
  • Built a To-do service with a RESTful API that enables users to create, read, update, and delete tasks.
  • Implemented user registration and authentication functionality to secure user data.
  • Utilized PostgreSQL as the database for storing tasks and integrated Django’s ORM to efficiently query and modify task data.
Face Morphing
Oct. 2022 - Oct. 2022
Python, Numpy, opneCV
  • Implemented a face morphing algorithm that produces a morph animation from a face to another.
  • Used affine matrix transformation to transform corresponding triangles from source image to destination image.
End-to-End Encrypted File sharing system
Mar. 2022 - May 2022
  • Used symmetric encryption to encrypt and decrypt the users' data and allow for multiple user sessions.
  • Developed an algorithm to securely and efficiently store, load, and append to files.
  • Used asymmetric encryption to share files securely using public key encryption and digital signatures.
  • Added a revoke user functionality that prevents a revoked user and their children from reading future modification to the shared file.
Feb. 2022- Apr. 2022
C, make, gdb
  • Worked in a team of 4 to implement various functionalities in an educational OS for the x86 architecture.
  • Implemented the functionalities to create threads, fork processes, and pass arguments to user programs.
  • Improved the file system speed by adding a buffer cache.
  • Helped with the development of an MLFQ scheduler.
Digit Classifier
Apr. 2022 - Apr. 2022
digital alarm clock
  • Used machine learning to classify handwritten digits.
  • Achieved an accuracy of 97% by designing and training a neural network that recognizes patterns in handwritten digits.
Maze Solving Robot
Oct. 2021 -Dec. 2021
C, socket programming
Responsive image
  • Designed and built the hardware of a differential-drive robot that uses a LiDAR to map its environment.
  • Developed the software that collects the LiDAR scan data and sends it using UDP protocol to a server.
  • Used a serial communication protocol (UART) to control a differential-drive robot.
2D World Exploration Game
Apr. 2021 - May 2021
Responsive image
  • Collaborated with a teammate to develop a random world generation engine, with a GUI, that generates a random 2D explorable world based on a string of numbers inputted by the use.
  • An avatar is placed randomly in the generated world and the user can interact with the avatar using the keyboard.
  • Implemented the ability to save and reload the game locally.
Feb. 2021 - Apr. 2021
Responsive image
  • Designed and implemented a local version control system with a command-line interface that can handle 15 commands similar to Git commands.
  • Functionality includes add, commit, branch, checkout, merge, reset, log, merge, etc.
  • Efficiently stored previous versions of the project, and the commit tree, locally using multiple data structures such as Hash tables, Hash sets, Linked Lists.
Digital Alarm Clock
June 2020 - June 2020
  • Designed and built the circuit of a digital alarm clock that runs on a microcontroller.
  • Developed the firmware that runs on the custom hardware and communicates with a time-keeping IC in I2C.
  • Devised the 7-segment display from scratch and implemented a multiplexing algorithm to update each digit individually with minimal amount of IO ports.